


 Science plays a key part of the curriculum through your child’s entire school career, and a love of science is created through finding the awe and wonder in our world.  We work hard to develop each child’s scientific knowledge and understanding.    

Our science curriculum will be broad and balanced and built around the principles of active discovery and experiential learning. There will be planned cross-curricular links and external partnerships to bring richness and depth to subjects supported by the arts, music, drama, design technology and maths. The planned use of ICT and technologies will support the teaching and learning of all curriculum areas. 


Implementation for Science 

Our children are first introduced to science in the Foundation Stage where it is called Understanding the World. They will learn to explore, problem solve, observe, predict, think, make decisions and talk about the world around them.   

In KS1 and 2, science is taught as a weekly subject with a common theme linking the unit to other subjects. For example, a Class 2 theme is Cornwall where the children learn about electricity and circuits in science, using Crumble in computing to program a light sequence, create lighthouses in DT and find out about our local lighthouse at St Anthony in geography. We also enjoy science themed days especially when supported by a visitor.   

The classroom environment reflects current themes being taught with relevant displays and interactive areas. These will include relevant vocabulary.  

We display posters showing the Enquiry Approach and Enquiry Skills which support the children in asking questions about why things happen and how things work. Children will also be asked questions about what they think will happen to help them communicate, plan, investigate, record and evaluate findings.  

Activities are recorded in books and if appropriate, on Tapestry where we evidence practical learning with videos and photos.  



Science teaching is good in our school when: 

  • Children are excited about science, engaging in their learning.  

  • Vocabulary is being implemented through both written work and discussions in science and cross-curricular.  

  • Children are knowledgeable and interested in STEAM careers and want to continue science in Secondary school and beyond.  

  • EYFS is fully engaged in a science curriculum focusing on exploration and wonder.  

  • Children are curious about the world around them.  

  • Children lead the curriculum through their own interests and personal experiences and knowledge. 

  • There is collaboration across classes, school clusters and the Trust. 



St Mawes Primary School
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