


It is our intent that PE inspires, engages and challenges all pupils at St Mawes Primary, and that our PE curriculum is accessible to all. We strive for all young people to have the opportunity to engage in a variety of sports and physical activities that will equip them with a range of opportunities to get active, enjoy sport, discover new and exciting talents and to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. We aim for all children to develop skills in both play and different sports so that every child has their chance to shine. We want all pupils to understand the importance of physical education and keeping healthy whilst developing lifelong learning skills such as teamwork and perseverance.



Our PE curriculum follows a scheme of work from Get Set 4 PE, which is closely aligned to the National Curriculum. This scheme supports a clear and sequenced progression of skills and knowledge, both within each year group and from one year to the next. 

Staff work closely alongside skilled sports coaches to deliver a high-quality sports provision. Swimming lessons are also provided for KS2 by qualified swimming teachers to support children in being able to competently, confidently and proficiently swim a distance of at least 25 metres. 

All children receive a minimum of two hours of curriculum PE per week, taught by both the class teacher and coaches from our links with outside agencies. We have links with the Hall for Cornwall for dance and drama, Josh for Capoiera and Andy Ayre from C2C Sports. 



Children will:

  • Enjoy their learning in PE and have high expectations of themselves in order to achieve their best.
  • Learn and develop new skills and work hard to master those shown to them.
  • Develop an understanding of a range of sports and fitness activities
  • Learn the importance of taking care of their physical and mental health.
  • Learn how to show good sportsmanship and encourage others to do well.
  • Learn how to work collaboratively and individually.
  • Use a range of PE vocabulary correctly.
  • Develop their competences in using a wide range of sports equipment.
  • Take responsibility for their own health and fitness.
  • Learn to reflect on their progress towards mastering key skills in PE.
  • Be provided with the opportunity to take part in after school sports clubs.

St Mawes Primary School
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