
Pupil Premium

You may have heard of funding called the Pupil Premium. This is money that is given to schools from the Government and it is an initiative that targets pupils from deprived backgrounds, as research shows they underachieve compared to their non-deprived peers.
The premium is provided in order to support these pupils to reach their full potential. The Government have used pupils entitled to Free School meals (FSM) as an indicator for deprivation and have deployed a fixed amount of money to schools per pupil. This is based on the number of pupils registered for FSM in the last 6 years (ever 6) but does not always correlate with the actual number of pupils in receipt of FSM in the school during that year.
At our school, we aim to ensure that ALL children make expected or better progress. Our pupil premium policy is available on the link below. Please click on the links below to see how we spend our pupil premium and the impact it has had.
Each year we have to evaluate the impact the pupil premium has had and we do this on an individual basis. Due to the small number of children in the school eligible for pupil premium funding, we feel it is not appropriate to publish our data in detail. However, if your child is eligible for pupil premium then please pop in to school and we can show you the impact the funding is having.

St Mawes Primary School
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